Industrial Robots
9/19/2021 12:09:08 PM
Definition of an industrial robot:
According to ISO(International Organization for Standardization), an industrial robot is defined to be a programmable manipulator that can be controlled automatically and is programmable in three or more axes.
The word manipulator used here refers to a device that functions like human to complete different tasks.
Joseph Engelberger THE FATHER ROBOTICS "An automated machine that does just one thing is not a robot.Its simply automation. A robot should have the capability of handling a range of jobs in factory".
Robots classifieds by mechanical structure are based on the following definitions:
a)Cartesian robot: robot whose arm has three prismatic joints and whose axes are coincident with a cartesian coordinate system
b)SCARA robot: a robot, which has two parallel rotary joints to provide compliance in a plane
c)Articulated robot: a robot whose arm has at least three rotary joints
d)Parallel robot: a robot whose arms have concurrent prismatic or rotary joints
e)Cylindrical robot: a robot whose axes form a cylindrical coordinate system
Industrial Robot Configuration:
Standard Structure of Robot consists of:
1)Robot Body
2)Robot Controller
3)Teaching pendant(A control pendant used to run robot and teach it positions)
4)Machine to machine cables (A cables used to connect the robots together)
5)Tools for operations (Hands,etc)
-pc for completing programming/connection cable
-solenoid valves ,air hoses and other parts for moving hands
-I/O cables ,interfaces,etc. for linking robots to peripheral devices.
Laws of Robotics:
1)A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
2)A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law
3)A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws
Practical application of Industrial Robots
1) Palletizing application
2) Dispensing application
3) Visual Line application
4) Machine Tending application
5) Cleanroom application
Palletizing application : Palletizing application are used mainly in delivery process at factories and in warehouses.Palletizing operations involve delivery and warehouses storage of objects that are stacked in groups onto pallets or into cases.Stacking and delivery operations carried out by hand for a large number of products are extremely exhausting and very inefficient
The use of a palletizing robot will allow operators to stack a large numbers of products by order onto pallets for easy moving in short amount of time.
Dispensing application : Robots are equipped with painting operations such as application of sealing material, packing material,wax material and other material Such material must be applied to the sealing areas uniformly and continuosly. Factors must be considered as the timing at which application is to be started or stopped and the securement of tracking accuracy.